These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your rights and obligations regarding Waterfall Route’s Software (“Software”), the service (both collectively referred to as the “Service”) on the Internet or in cellular media, material and data submitted for locations and routing (the “Content”) and actions by the users of the Software, Service, and Content (the “User”). These Terms constitute a fully binding agreement between Waterfall Routes Inc, the proprietor of all rights in and to the Service, and you, and it is recommended that you read these Terms.

By using the Waterfall Routes Service, you signify your assent to these Terms:

The Service. This service allows users to submit Content (locations on a map, pictures, routes, details on items users sell, and other relevant information) that can be shared with other Users. This Content will be publicly available, and accessible by other Users wishing to reach the locations submitted to Waterfall Routes, Inc.

Using the Service. Users may use this Service only as defined above. It may be used for private and commercial purposes. Commercial use is limited to advertising and sharing a business location. Commercial use is not allowed whereby third parties must pay for the use of Waterfall Routes Services and Software, without the explicit consent of Waterfall Routes Inc. Waterfall Routes Services and Software may not be used to sell extra services, such as shipment and delivery of packages, without the explicit consent of Waterfall Routes Inc. All cellular and internet data charges incurred during the use of this Software and Service are the sole responsibility of the user. It is prohibited to collect and use data from this Service, outside of the above-defined permissible activities, to include scraping, data mining, and aggregation by any manual or autonomic means. It is prohibited to use the Software, Service, and Content to submit illegal material, such as copyrighted images, and malicious computer code to include viruses, spyware, time bombs, worms, and Trojan Horses. It is prohibited to use the Software, Service, and Content to submit irrelevant material, to include imagery that is not of the stated location or landmark, imagery that is salacious or violent in nature, pornography, imagery of people or animals with no useful visualization of the location or landmark, and advertisements with no other visualization of the location or landmark.  Location images may include people who are linked to the location (such as a business owner or house resident) only if they have provided their express consent to the User who has uploaded the image.  Landmark images may not include any recognizable individual.  Users may not use the Service to harass, stalk, or in any way infringe on the rights and individual liberties of other Users.

Copyright. Waterfall Routes, Inc is the sole owner of its Software and Service, to include its logo and other commercial material. Its use outside that defined by the Service is strictly prohibited, without explicit permission from Waterfall Routes, Inc.

License. Waterfall Routes Inc. grants you a free of charge, non-exclusive, time-limited, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, revocable license to use the Service (including the Software) for commercial and non-commercial purposes, subject to these Terms.

Privacy. Waterfall Routes will collect GPS data to assist with navigation and creation of locations. It will also access files and the camera of the User’s cell phone to assist with the provision of Content. The User must explicitly allow this access for GPS data and Content for Waterfall Routes.  On occasion Waterfall Routes will send information about the app, such as updates, answers to FAQs, and general information,  to the email address you used to register.  Waterfall Routes will not provide your email to any other business, individual, or 3rd party under any circumstances.  All emails will arrive with an “unsubscribe” link if you wish to no longer receive information about Waterfall Routes.

User Accounts and Content. User account login information, to include passwords and third party accounts, are the sole responsibility of the user. When users authenticate their login with their credentials for Gmail, Facebook (via Graph API Explorer), Twitter, and Apple, Waterfall Routes will collect a User Name, Email Address, and Account Profile Picture, when available.  These date are used solely to enhance the Waterfall login experience and are never shared with other parties.  Deletion of these data are described below.  By submitting Content, you grant Waterfall Routes Inc and the users of the Service an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licenseable and transferable license to view, distribute, and display in public all Content. Waterfall Routes Inc reserves the right to examine all Content, and remove Content and cancel User Accounts that do not abide by the Terms.

Deletion of Content.  Waterfall Routes defines user content to include three groups of data: User Data (profile pictures email addresses, user names, and passwords); Location Data (such as location GPS coordinates, names, descriptions, categories, sub-categories, images, phone numbers, website addresses, routes, start point details, mart descriptions and contact information, and mart item images, prices, descriptions, and name); and Landmark Navigation Data (GPS coordinates, names, images, and descriptions).  In the “User Profile” page of the app, a user my select “Delete Profile.”  This action will fully delete all User Data, regardless of the authentication method (Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Password).  It will also delete all Location Data if a user does not transfer to another individual.  Landmark Navigation Data will only be deleted if it is not utilized by other users for their routes.  In the case of “ownerless” Landmark Navigation Data, these data will be transferred to management by Waterfall Routes.  Location Data can also be deleted within the “My Locations” page, with Landmark Navigation also deleted, if not utilized by other users.

Modifications to the Service and Software. Waterfall Routes Inc, may modify all aspects of the Software and Service, without prior notification to the Users.

Applicable Law. By visiting the website and/or the mobile app provided by Waterfall Routes, Inc, you agree that the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America, and the laws of the Republic of Ghana will govern these terms and conditions.

Legal Relationship. Visiting the website and/or mobile app provided by Water Fall Routes Inc does not imply any legal relationship. Waterfall Routes Inc. and individuals associated with the company will not be held legally liable for any damages incurred from the use of its Software, Service, and Content by Users and any other third party.